Friday, December 6, 2013

One last post before B-day

So today is probably my last post before our little girl arrives. It is CRAZY how fast this pregnancy has gone. I knew it would. Between working and keeping up with Jax, it was bound to. May I also say THANK GOODNESS it has gone by quickly. This pregnancy has taken it out of me. I remember when I got pregnant with Jax loving EVERY moment. I was never sick, and always felt that "glow". I had an adorable belly and gained practically no weight. YAY! I was heart sick when I thought about the time that would come when I knew I wouldn't be pregnant anymore. This pregnancy has been a tender mercy. It has kicked my butt and me more aware that pregnancy isn't easy! There will be a time when I am ok with this chapter being over, and that honestly helps me a lot.

I haven't gained any weight with the pregnancy which is nice. I actually lost 20 lbs and have gained back 10 putting me 10 lbs below pre-pregnancy weight. That's where the niceness ends. She is SSSSOOO strong her kicks commonly HURT. She has been breech and pinching nerves "down there" and I do NOT have a cute belly with this baby. I have been extraordinarily lucky considering she has been small so far (or should I say I have been carrying small) so I can get all my work done at the preschool.

As for Jaxon, he is absolutely AMAZING! His teacher are amazed with how smart he is and he continues to suprise them. He is the youngest in his class by about 6 months and they tell me weekly that he is the youngest in the class but the smartest as well. He went into school at just over 2 years old knowing his alphabet, counting to 10, and knowing all his colors. Since then he has learned his name, numerous shapes (not just square and triangle), and how to count to 15-17 depending on his mood. The amazing this is he can recognize all the other kids names in the class now as well as how they are spelled! He pays attention to so many little things and surprises us every day.

He is also hilarious. He is so sweet and caring. He has some crazy charisma! Everyone falls in love with him almost instantly. He may be a stinker at times, but he really has a sweet spirit and knows when he's let you down. He clues into so many social ques and really tries to make people smile. We have yet to see the terrible twos, though I think they will emerge when baby sister is brought home.

He is still a SUPER picky eater and bath time is still touch and go. He is obsessed with electronics which I still cringe at, but he takes after daddy. His hair is as wild as can be and has yet to be tamed. He is also pretty obstinate when it comes to going potty. He flat out refuses so we will try again after baby sister.

Things he loves right now:

Monsters University
lady bugs
his shoes/socks (he ALWAYS wants them on)
anything pink is "baby sisters!"
Kissing baby sister
Kisses on the cheek
snow men (any kind of snow or ice is a snowman)
play dough
magna tiles
assigning familial roles to character in books, tv, or anywhere
any fruit/veggie/dairy product

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Jaxon-isms and baby 2

Jax said some really cute things today I thought I would jot down. First I asked him what his baby sisters name should be and he looks at me and says, "Uuummm.... Applegate!" Which I thought was adorable. He recently got some gummys in church and was shouting "apple, applegate, apple, applegate!" so I shouldn't have been too suprised but it was cute that he knew it was a name.

Also, we were watching an old TV show today and the phone kept ringing (a pesky mother in law episode). He would get very upset and say "the clock! Stop the clock!!!" A few minutes later we went upstairs for his bath. As soon as we got there he started crying. I calmed him down and asked why he was upset he said "that clock was scary!!" so we had to shut the door and hide from the clock until he got in the bath and forgot about it. Poor guy didn't even know what a ringing phone sounded like!

I guess now would be a good time to jot down a few thoughts about baby number 2. I have been pretty quiet up until now but I was pretty sick the first 20 weeks and trying to keep it hush hush until I got my insurance all worked out. It turned out to be worth it because everything is all worked out and I have a healthy little girl!

First off, I couldn't have been more surprised that it was a girl! I thought from WAY before we thought about number 2 that it would be a boy. I could just feel it. When I finally did get pregnant I just knew in my heart it was a boy. I was ready for a boy. I was glad we wouldn't have to buy more stuff, excited for Jax to have a brother, had 3 names lined up. I think I wouldn't have been more surprised if the tech had said it was a llama! We are now excited and I have a ton of friend who are willing to help me with clothes and learning to make bows. I am excited!

I am however quite irked with the little lady. I told David I am NOT having another girl as long as I live. I was almost constantly nauseous, and do NOT show cutely like I did with Jax. I just look fat. I am not a fan of being pregnant with girls. I can understand why people get frustrated with pregnancy and are ready to be done. I NEVER felt like that with Jax. I remember being okay with being pregnant forever. Sure, it was hard to roll over in bed and I peed 5 times a night but I loved it. This time, I'm ready to be done and meet little miss. She also kicks a lot more than Jax did which is nice. I love to sit in bed and feel her kick. Well, actually she's breech so I guess its punching I feel more than anything.

So that's our life right now. Work is going well and I enjoy my days. It sure is making this pregnancy FLY by! Jax is growing up and is such a sweet heart. I love him with all that I have and cannot imagine not waking up to his smile and giggles every morning. He bring so much joy to everyone and I am constantly hearing storys from his teachers and subs about cute things he does during the day. That kid is a charmer! Just like daddy :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

This kid is too cute

So this morning Jax was being EXTRA cute. I let him play with my kindle this morning and it went off unexpectedly (he sometimes pushes it with his finger). He looks down at it and says "Uh oh, It's broken. It's trash". I CRACKED up.

THEN I had finished changing his diaper and as usual he was asking for his pants before I was even finished. So I decide to put some shorts on him for the first time since last summer. He gets excited to put them on (also as usual, the kid loves pants) and when they get all pulled up he looks down and has a mini freak out. He starts pulling them down and yelling "my pants! my pants! my pants!" and trying to pull them down to regular pants length. I assured him that it was ok and they were supposed to be like that.

Another cute thing he's doing is calling David and I "honey". You would think it would be a term of endearment but it's really only used when he's frustrated at us or trying to get our attention. For example, if he wants me to open a snack for him and I'm trying to load the dish washer or cook dinner, he yells "HONEY!!! HONEY!!!" and that usually lets me know he means business.

He is also learning his numbers and letters. he knows 1-9 and most of his letters. I was wearing a shirt that said MOREHEAD STATE VOLUNTEER and he sat on my lap and went through each letter! He didn't get U or V but the others he had covered. He's so sweet.

Also, he does this thing when he's upset, where he puts his nose on things. At first, he would get annoyed and he would walk away and put his nose on the wall. We thought he was just calming down and working through his feelings. How he will put his nose on anything to calm down and we realized it was more about the nose than him working through feelings by leaving and taking a minute to himself. He doesn't care if it's an arm, couch, shopping cart handle, dog... He's not picky, he just likes his nose on something.

He is getting to be so fun and so sweet I just can't take it. He loves to dance, where he stomps and swings his arms. He loves to twirl in circles, he pats the dog and says "good girl myah", or will do it to David and I and say "good girl mama" or daddy. He loves Thomas, strawberries (straw-bah), pants, Marty our friends dog, coloring, and running.

The kid is for sure David's son too. He can navigate his way around my kindle, Davids phone, and the TV. We used to just be able to turn off the TV but he learned how to turn it on. We have no where to hide the clicker really either because he can reach literally everywhere. The kid is already 3 ft 2 inches tall and when you add in tippie toes and arms, he can reach most of the things we can. I guess we haven't tried the top of the fridge yet, but it's only a matter of time! If you give him a phone he gets on netflix and turns on Thomas. No wifi? No problem. The kid is satisfied with Angry birds, which he finds himself and opens and everything. When he gets bored of that he usually goes to the photo album and finds some cute movies of himself and is satisfied for a while. The kid is crazy.

Anyways, That's all for now. I will hopefully do another blog about Columbus soon. Maybe even some pictures!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bored Birthday post

Okay so today I am SUPER bored so I thought I may as well blog about Jax's Birthday. There are lots of pics on facebook so I'll only include the highlights but I really wish I knew how to make slide shows for a blog so I could just put one at the bottom. 

So I woke up with David around 7 so I could be ready and dressed before Jax woke up. He ended up waking up early so it was a rush to get the balloons ready and in the hallway. We didn't want to put any IN his room because he would probably see them at 5 am and there would be no getting him back to sleep. The hilarious thing was he peeks under the door when he wakes up so he could see the ballons and he was calling out to them. He would say "Balloon!? Red... Green... Blue... BALLOON!!!". It was super precious. His little hands were under the door reaching for them and everything. Finally we got him away from the door so we could open it and he tried to hug each balloon before herding them down the steps. He wanted them all downstairs so he could play with them all day. 

We tried to make him feel special and let him have whatever he likes the most for his birthday, or whatever he wanted within reason. For breakfast we had doughnut holes with sprinkles (fail), fruit snacks, (he ate some and fed the rest to myah our dog), and banana which he had about 3 bites of. Then I let him sit on the couch with my kindle as long as he wanted and watch what he wants. 

Yes as sad as it is, my son can turn on almost any device in the house, find netflix or hulu, and knows how to switch on Thomas. YES I am ashamed but honestly he just catches on quick, we don't spend THAT much time watching TV. I'll just claim he takes after his dad. As we speak he is surfing netflix trying to find a new cartoon to watch. *sigh*. 

ANYWAYS, the rest of the day was pretty standard. We ate lunch (pizza) and then put him down for his nap. David got home late that night so instead of going to dinner like we planned we had to have daddy grab something. He got yogurt, fries, and fig newtons for dinner. Like I said, anything he wants for the day. Presents went well. We gave him some Thomas trains, lots of books, bubbles, chalk, and big boy undies which we let him try on. 

He is having a small party at my sisters this weekend so that should be super fun. It's Thomas themed but were not doing anything crazy. I'm trying to keep it under $100 food and everything included. 

It snowed on his birthday which wasn't a big surprise. This kid attracts snow! The night he was literally born, we drove an hour in the freezing rain and snow to get to the hospital, last year on his birthday it snowed, and this year as well. We got about 6 inches in Columbus! He loved it but after the puke incident was not allowed to play much outside since I didn't want him sick for his party.

Well that's about it for now. I'll do a post on Columbus next week hopefully. There had better be more to report than there is now! We've both been a little stir crazy not being able to do much. Here's to a better week next week.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Puke-o-rama 2013

Sssssssoooooooo We have been pretty lucky when it comes to Jax's health. So far he has never been "sick". He has had three runny noses and one slight cough. Well today he made up for it.

Whilst sitting in CHURCH during testimony meeting, Jax is standing on the back pew, facing the back of the room. I look over at him because he's being sweet and all of the sudden he just GUSHES! Purple puke everywhere. Down the pew, the floor behind us, him, me... EVERYWHERE. YUCK!

At this point I am dumbfounded (quite literally). I sit there trying to comprehend what to do since I have never been in the situation, much less in church! I "whisper scream", as David later described it, to my clueless husband that Jax has spewed blue corn chips and grape juice all over and stand up to take care of Jax assuming he would gather that I need him to clean up the pew. He later told me he had no idea what he was supposed to do about it but started to clean up with the baggie of wipes I had brought and the lady in front of us spared some wipes for the cause.

Poor Jax's little white shirt was covered as were his pants. In my shock, I tried to cover his mouth causing a good portion of the puke to soak into his clothes. Luckily we brought another sweater that was unaffected by the puke and we took off his white shirt and put him in a clean sweater and tried to leave ASAP. I took Jax out to the car and David went and explained to the bishop what happened and asked to put a sign up for the ward after us to steer clear of that row.

All in all it was an eventful day but SO GROSS! The kid knows how to make things count that's for sure. Hopefully the puking is over and we can enjoy the day. We felt like we should steer clear of people in case he's contagious and I was covered in puke so our day was just pretty much shot. Oh, the day in the life of an Applegate!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Little Moments

I had a quick little moment I wanted to jot down before life gets away with me and I forget. Last night I was sitting on the couch and Jax was standing beside me watching TV. He has always been super sweet and walks around all day patting our dogs and telling them "good girl" (even to the boy). Well last night he looks at me, pats my head and says "good girl mama" and then starts stroking my hair! When I write it down it sounds a little creepy, but he did it with such tenderness it almost made me cry! You could just tell at that moment he was showing me he loved me since he can't really say it yet. I love that little boy.

Also, the tempter tantrums have started. He is SUPER easy so far to calm down. The minute I get stern with him during a tantrum he starts to cry and then comes and hugs me and says sorry. I realize these are just the beginning and they will get worse (I worked with 2-4 year olds in a day care for 2+ years) but so far I'm glad he responds. He's only had one time, during a diaper change, that I really had to show him who's boss. I kept my cool and kept telling him he HAD to lay down and listen to mama. He wasn't happy but after about 2 minutes he listened. I love him even when he throws fits!

So far we love Columbus. We love the area and I have everything I need so close. The target is HUGE! It even has a Starbucks and jewelry store inside! Not like a Walmart Jewelry counter, but a legit jewelry store with diamonds for thousands of dollars. It even has a furniture and home decor section. I know I sound country right now but it's amazing! David loves his job and is feeling pretty good about his position. We can't wait to see what the future brings! We are going down to KY next weekend and my sister is coming up the following weekend. We love to be busy!

Anyways that's all for now. My quick little post turned into a lengthy recap of Columbus but that's okay since it needed to be done. Can't wait to see what's in store for us next! Here's some recent pics

Playing with Magnets

The great shaving cream war of 2011

After this picture he realized it was NOT for eating

"Maybe this stuff is lotion..."

This is my trophy for worst mom of the year. He was walking through the hall way and I popped out of the bathroom and scared him so bad he ran into the door frame.... :( 

he was obviously not too upset

LOVE this smile :) 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Columbus or Bust

Well its facebook official so I guess its time to blog about the big move. This has kind of been in the works for the last new months. David first got wind of this job in November and our interest has honestly been waxing and waning. He loves the position and company but the location is far away from both `our families which is the down side. David also had a TON of other interviews. Were talking like 9 or 10 interviews within a two week period. We thought for SURE we would get another offer (a much closer offer). Finally when push comes to shove, this is the last resort and I guess the direction Heavenly Father decided to push us.

I personally and very nervous about the move. Since we've moved to Lexington I feel like I flourished. I have felt more on top of things here than I have since before Jaxon was born. Probably before I was pregnant! I'm very worried about how moving to a totally different culture and state will shake things up. I'm worried about the ward and housing and pretty much everything. Also we'll be moving to a smaller home temporarily. YEESH!

This has been my biggest test of faith so far. Really, I'm just trying to focus on day to day life. Enjoying Jaxon, spending time with friends, and doing a lot of things I really don't have time to do. I haven't even started packing yet! I'm for sure going to have to have a packing party. Double YEESH! I don't think anyone is good at having people come in and go through all their things.

So that's our big news so far. I guess I'll write about the holidays later since I'm not in the mood after this post. They were very fun since Jax decided it was pretty cool to open the presents and loved everything he got. Davids sister and cousin are also pregnant so it was fun to see them and catch up. He has the best family so any time we get to spend with them is great. We will HATE being so far from them. My family is 30 minutes away and his is about 45 so it will take some adjustment. Anyways, that's our life right now. Any tips on moving would be very helpful!