So i haven't posted in forever even though i have NO excuse. I can catch up pretty quickly however. For a graduation/anniversary/christmas present to each other David and I went to New York City for New Years! It was an amazing trip and just the perfect balance of relaxing and sight seeing. Although i can't post all the pictures because there are tons, here are some of the highlights.

A beautiful display in the window if tiffany's. Their front door was literally a bank vault which i thought was really neat. This window display was so delicate (it looked like it was cut from paper) and their was a HUGE diamond rind in the middle. it was just amazing

The train we got to ride at grand central station. The ceiling in the main room was breath taking. Way better than Madagascar made it look :)

Us on the train. Notice the crazy red cheeks. That's what happens when you spend hours in the sleet. We still LOVED it. This was after the new years ball drop. Notice my lack of wedding ring so i didn't get mugged.

Inside the Rockefeller Center. It was pretty neat but had VERY crappy bathrooms.

The infamous Rockefeller center tree. Right by the CBS news room. We got to see them setting up for the 5:00 news.

They still had beautiful window displays left over from Christmas and they were all breathtaking. My camera had low batteries however, so we didn't get to take as many pictures as i would have hoped.

Allison and Thomas! Our amazing tour guides. We went and stayed with allison's aunt and got to really experience the subway. We rode from the very end (through the bronx and harlem etc) into the heart of the city. It was very interesting being the only white people in a small subway train for a good half an hour.

Us eating in china town. That was probably my favorite place because of all the cheap shopping places!

Just one of the MANY gorgeous views we saw walking through the city.

Time square. Not as big as i thought, but then again, not much of it was. Still amazing though.
I'll post a few more later and keep you updated. I think once David gets a job and things get more exciting i should be able to post more. right now we are just living our simple little lives and being pretty boring.
I can't wait to get a little more income. Right now were just living off mine and really not getting any leads for the near future. I never thought my college graduate husband would be apply to places like the dollar store and walmart to get us through until he finds a more permanent position. Crazy how things work out but we are just so grateful for my steady job and the fact that as long as we are here i will have a steady income at a place i enjoy. Job security is quite the luxury right now i assume so we pray that we can just hold on and enjoy our time together on our own.