Saturday, December 19, 2009


So last night everyone was talking about snow and david and i had NO food in the house. So we went out to walmart to get a couple things. Also my friend Karen from highschool was coming to town so i had to get some food for when she came. Annyways walmart was CRAZY. We managed to get a pretty good parking spot and went in. WALL TO WALL people. We were expecting all kinds of snow after seeing the frenzy of people.

when we woke up this morning to let our little myah outside david came in smiling and i new it had to be pretty out there. I kept sleeping but myah woke me up once again at 9 wanting to go outside again and when i went to chain her up i looked up and how beautiful were the mountains! I know there are really just big hills but they looked like something out of a movie. Actually they looked much better. They were already covered in snow, but also it was snowing which made the tops disappear in kind of a mist. It was so soft and pretty. i wish i had my camera (i left it at my sisters at thanksgiving) to take pictures and post! Maybe i'll try to use david's if we can find the memory card...

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Wow! 2 updates in 3 days. I'm impressed! But now it has been many more so we better see some NY pics when you get back!!