Well, it's been FOREVER since I blogged and realize some people actually read this thing so I thought I'd update on our lives.
I've enrolled in an online program to become a Medical Transcription Editor. I'm doing ok so far and looking forward to be trained in a career I can do from home. David also is training to do his Cisco Certifications and is all lined up to do a pretest, follow-up study course, and then the actual test! So exciting!
Jaxon is getting huge! He's 29 lbs so far and walking EVERYwhere. He took his first steps at 9 1/2 months but it took him a good 2-3 weeks to get really good at it. He hasn't slowed down and hardly ever crawls.
He loves phones and will put almost anything up to his ear to pretend it is a phone. This has taken the place of his hair brush obsession that he's had the last 2 months. He will also "Heddo" if he puts anything up to his ear. He loves the dog as well as books. I swear if we could train the dog to read, I would never see my son. He can even turn the pages all by himself!
Birds are very interesting to him and he will looks around for his "bir!". He can also say, "bah bah" which is dog (like bark bark), mama, dada, nana, book, moo and a few times has said papaw.
David's grandma just passed away and we all got to go to Ohio to see family as well as friends. It was sad circumstances but it was great to catch up and feel the love of all the people close to the family and his grandmother. She would have been so happy with how everything turned out.
Were also looking for houses and hoping to move in the spring or summer. We don't really have a time in mind but it's exciting to look at available houses! That's pretty much our life for now. I'll do better updating. Oh, here are some pictures: