Thursday, June 18, 2009

burning down the house

So appearantly I am really trying to burn our poor little house down. Today i was trying to warm up some soup (which i prefer to do on the stove so i can add spices and just extra things) and turned on the burner and was talking on the phone with one of my friends. I was going to go check on things because something smelled funny and smoke was pooring from the stove. So i jump up to check things, and i had the wrong burner on... the one i had thrown the towel i was drying dishes with earlier. i was so scared! i was home by myself, and the house was filling with smoke! myah was running around the house hysterical and the smoke detector started going off. i got it under control and fanned the smoke detectors and everything was fine.

This reminds me of a similar spaghetti incident that happened about a month ago. except there were flames involoved with that one! oh well, what's the worse that could happen? oh yeah, a FIRE!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

My family does that kind of stuff all the time, they almost burned the house down last time, and they were calling me into the room, out of everyone in the house, to handle the fire. I guess going to Culinary school also makes me a firefighter!
Be safe, and try to burn the house down ;)