Job #1 - Jaxon Applegate which is pretty self explanatory.
Job #2 - Breast feeding (unsuccessfully).
All I do these days is feed, pump, change a diaper, feed, feed, pump, feed, diaper. When I am not doing that I am eating oatmeal, taking herbal supplements, drinking 120 oz of water, drinking an additional 3 cups of herbal tea (24 more oz) and trying to stay relaxed and get sleep (HA!).
This is all supposed to make my breast milk production increase. Well guess what, It doesn't! My last resort was to see about prescriptions my doctor would give me but I called today and he doesn't prescribe medicine for low production.
I am anemic and have researched extensively the affects on breast milk production and all sources say the same that low iron is a very common cause of low production. I've even found articles of mom's who have gotten their milk supply up and have tried it ALL.
Yes I have tried to JUST breast feed him and not supplement but all that does is end the day with both of us crying and me extremely sore.
I pump throughout the day to measure how much I am getting (yes I realize you do not get as much from a pump but I can see the fluctuation this way) and I can pump 8-12 times a day (not including night feedings or when I feed him during the day) and only get 4 oz tops.
I never feel my milk drop or any need to feed because I have such low supply of milk. I was panicked the first week because I thought my milk hadn't come in but I was making such a low amount I just assumed it was just colostrum. WRONG. I had milk but just such a small amount I didn't notice the difference.
At this point, both of us are exhausted and I am not sure what to do. Like I said the last resort was a prescription so I am going to try to call around and see if any other doctors around here will know anything about the prescriptions I have mentioned and if not, I don't know what else I can do.
I have literally tried everything for almost 6 weeks and still nothing has changed. Yes I nurse ALL the time, YES I have tried not supplementing him, YES I stay hydrated, YES I try my best to stay relaxed, YES he is latched on correctly (I have had multiple people including nurses and experienced mothers check). I would appreciated it if anyone has advice besides the above list I would appreciate it. Other than that, I'm going to hang on for a couple weeks and then just stop. I have no life!!! lol.
I promise I am enjoying my amazing son and all that he has brought to my life, I am just tired of my own boobs! He is such an amazing blessing and a great baby and I couldn't have done this if he was not so amazing. LOVE HIM just not breastfeeding although I have been determined to get past this, I just don't know if I can at this point.
Sorry for the explosion, just thought you might want to know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth!!
So sorry that you are having such a hard time. Breastfeeding is really hard work, especially with a newborn.
Some things that I learned from my experience:
1.Being under-hydrated can lead to poor production, but being OVER-hydrated can also lead to inadequate production. Don't know why this is, but it happened to me.
2. Make sure you are taking in enough calories, supposedly an additional 500/day (like an additional meal during the day), which is more than the recommended extra 300/day while pregnant, though some days I needed even more than that to keep up with my child's needs.
3. Just keep breastfeeding, all the time. For me it took about six weeks of frustration, pain and hard work (plus the crazy hormone problems that go along with it) to get my supply right in the beginning. Then my child would have a growth spurt, and the process started all over again, though usually it would adjust in 3-4 days. If I needed to make my supply larger, I would have him breastfeed as much as he could, then pump afterwards every feeding until it was enough. If my supply needed to be smaller, I'd usually just pump only enough of the extra to ease any discomfort.
4. Patience patience patience (and lots of Lanolin).
5. Don't worry so much about how much milk you are or aren't producing. Use your child as a guide instead: if he is gaining weight and thriving, you are producing enough for his needs. If he isn't, then supplement. Instead of pumping to know how much you are producing, consider buying a baby scale to weigh him before and after feedings. This way you get more nipple stimulation for optimal milk production but also can keep track of how much you are producing.
6. Get a Priesthood Blessing-- Heavenly Father knows you and your needs and desires and can comfort you in this time of your life. Also praying for guidance in what to do for my little one's nutrition always helped me.
7. If you come to the point where breastfeeding is making both you and your baby unhappy--for whatever reasons--consider formula. In no way does it make you less of a mother, woman or person: in fact it can save you lots of anxiety, heartache, and frustration if your supply just isn't adequate. Your baby will still get the nutrition he needs from formula, and it could save your sanity. A happier Mommy makes for a happier, healthier baby.
Hope I'm not repeating everything you've heard before. Whatever you decide, I wish you and the new little Applegate the best!
Wow, sweetie. I'm sorry you're struggling with this so much.
I just want to second what Crystal said - as long as Jaxon is gaining weight and thriving, you are producing enough milk, no matter what the # of oz.'s is. Some babies need more than others - and your body cooked this one for nine months - so it's intimately acquainted with Jaxon's needs.
I also want to put in a second for getting a blessing. BEST IDEA EVER. I know you know the peace and comfort that we women get when we receive priesthood blessings - even if what is said bears little resemblance to our current trials.
I will be praying for you and Jaxon, that Heavenly Father comforts you both. I can't wait to meet him - from the pictures, he looks like such a handsome little boy!
The only advice I have is to figure out what's best for you and your sweet baby and whether it's "the norm" or not, that's ok. I so desperately wanted to breastfeed both my girls and between my low production (I'm borderline anemic) and their inability to latch, it was a nightmare and just didn't work out. I pumped and froze what I could, then went to formula. Some people were supportive, and some (even people I weren't even close with) made me feel terrible for not breastfeeding. I finally realized nobody else matters, and I tried my best. I'm not saying you need to just give up and go to formula, I'm just saying you'll find what works best for you and Jaxon and it doesn't make you any less of a Mother. That's what we do! Figure out what's best for our babies and do the best we can! You're already doing awesome!
Hey, I am sure you are taking Iron in your herbal supplements. But when you take them are you making sure to take them with juice (orange is best), and no milk while you are taking them or within the hour. After the hour is fine :D
Along with the above comments, have you talked to a Lactation specialist at the hospital? I had problems breast feeding and they were awesome! I was given a hospital grade breast pump which is more powerful and helped up my production. I was able to pump faster and more often. Depending on your insurance, it may or not be covered. Just a thought.
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